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About Program
Country Coordinating Mechanism
Russian Health Care Foundation
The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

25.03.11  Заявление для прессы  

30.12.10  Selection of the consultants for the end of GFATM Round 4 TB program evaluation  

03.11.10  Вышел в свет 10-й выпуск информационного бюллетеня "Проблемы туберкулёза у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией"  

20.09.10  В начале сентября во Владивостоке состоялась Межрегиональная научно-практическая конференция на тему «Современная микробиологическая диагностика туберкулеза».  


Country Coordinating Mechanism

The Country's Coordination Committee to Fight HIV/AIDS and TB in the Russian Federation (CCM) is a collective coordinating and advisory national body. Its establishing in 2004 was initiated by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences based on the agreement with a wide range of Russian and international organizations and individuals actively involved in HIV/AIDS and TB control in Russia.

The key CCM objective is to enhance efficiency of responding to HIV/AIDS and TB epidemics in the Russian Federation. The CCM has posed the following tasks for its activities:

  • To promote national discussion and involvement of all stakeholders (including people living with HIV and/or TB) in the fight against HIV/AIDS and TB in Russia and to facilitate mutually beneficial coordination and equal cooperation between them;

  • To facilitate introduction of those actions that have been proven as the most effective in responding to HIV/AIDS and TB epidemics, e.g. in the area of monitoring and evaluation of the socially significant programs;

  • To promote mobilization of additional material resources for developing response to HIV and TB spread in Russia;

  • To support development and introduction of the improved mechanisms of monitoring and evaluation of efficiency of the available and attracted resources and, if necessary, to take the lead in this area.

CCM activities are aimed at supporting effective interaction of organizations and individuals within the implementation and development of national programs to fight HIV/TB. It includes facilitation in the preparation, consideration and submission of applications to the GFATM and control over the effective implementation of programs supported by the GFATM.

The CCM membership consists of the following professional and social groups, involved in the fight against HIV-infection and TB spread in Russia:

  • Representative of governmental institutions and organizations;

  • Representative of academic and educational institutions;

  • People living with HIV and/or TB;

  • Representatives of NGO and other sivil society organizations;

  • Representative of business community;

  • Representative of bilateral and international organizations;

  • Representatives of other bodies/organizations or individuals interested in supporting CCM work.

The CCM Superior Body is a Meeting of CCM Members. The RAMS President Academician V. I. Pokrovsky has been elected on the post of the CCM Chairman, and the RF Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development, Academician V. I. Starodubov - the CCM Deputy Chairman. The list of CCM members includes heads of the Federal Scientific and Methodological AIDS Control Center, the Central Research TB Institute of the RAMS, the I. M. Sechenov MMA Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, senior executives of the RF Ministry of Health and Social Development and Ministry of Justice, UNAIDS, WHO, World Bank and other international organizations, representatives of federal and regional NGO, and people living with HIV.

 Copyright © 2006-2008, Russian Health Care Foundation
 Development and support: Monitoring&Evaluation Unit Federal Public Health Institute
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