Russian Health Care Foundation
The Russian Health Care Foundation was established pursuant to Decree of the RF Government of October 31, 1996 No. 1295 to carry out the implementation of the World Bank (IBRD) projects. The Foundation has been registered as a non-profit organization. The Foundation activities are aimed at the development and implementation of programs and projects funded by international financial organizations and foreign governments for Russia as well as projects in public health and social area funded from the RF federal budget and regional budgets.
The Foundation operates in the following areas:
Taking part in determining promising projects in public health, medical industry, and social sphere in order to include them in the programs funded by international financial organizations;
Participation in the development of proposals on the projects in public health, medical industry, and social sphere, advisable for financing through international donors' funds and credits provided to the Russian Federation;
Search and attraction of investments from external sources to fund the developed projects and programs;
Management of projects and control over the disbursement of funds.
Currently, besides the Program funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Russian Health Care Foundation is implementing several large-scale projects, among which there are "Health Reform Implementation Project" and "TB/AIDS Control Project" funded through the loans of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
"Health Reform Implementation Project" is aimed at developing new legislative and other regulatory legal acts and establishing an institutional basis for the implementation of the government program on the RF health system reforming. The Project includes three components and is carried out at two levels - federal and regional (in Voronezh oblast and Chuvash Republic). Necessary legislative and regulatory documents, guidelines and recommendations are developed at the federal level, and their practical implementation takes place at the regional level, based on the results of which appropriate corrections are made of the federal-level documents. The approaches tested in the pilot regions are further on implemented in the other regions of Russia
"TB/AIDS Control Project" includes the following two key components: (А) "Tuberculosis" and (В) "AIDS". It will be implemented at the federal and regional levels in the health care and FPS institutions of Russia. The Project covers 86 regions of the Russian Federation. It has the following objectives: (i) to facilitate control over the epidemic spread of TB and AIDS for a short-term outlook and (ii) to stabilize and reduce these epidemic diseases' levels - for a medium-term outlook.
The TB component provides for the establishment of a basis for TB high-quality diagnostics, treatment and epidemiological monitoring. It will cover at least 50% of civilian population and 100% of populations in penitentiary institutions. It is planned to additionally provide for about 3000 diagnostic laboratories of different levels. The AIDS component provides for the supply of laboratory and medical equipment to the federal and regional HIV/AIDS services (90 laboratories in the civilian sector and 10 laboratories of the penitentiary system of Russia) and STI services (20 centers). It is planned to improve epidemiological surveillance and monitoring, conduct campaigns on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention for communities and high-risk groups of population, and to provide material and technical support for 6 or 7 blood transfusion stations, to strengthen two federal consulting and diagnostic center for HIV-exposed children, including medical equipment and drugs for pregnant HIV-exposed women (2500) and newborn children (150).
Within the framework of the both components it is planned to develop new regulatory documents and guidelines and to provide training for the personnel of health care facilities at the federal and regional levels.