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About Program
Country Coordinating Mechanism
Russian Health Care Foundation
The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Competitions and Tenders


The Russuan Health Care Fondation announces a Tender to supply laboratory active storages and reagents for medical laboratories involved cultural efforts on tuberculosis


Russian Health Care Foundation announces tender among organization on trainings conduction within the frames of Program “Promoting a strategic response to TB treatment and care for vulnerable populations in the Russian Federation”.

Within the limits of tender 4 organizations will be selected, by one in Far East, Uralsk and Central federal Territories, and they will get target grants for trainings arrangement and conduction during years 2006-2007. Trainings duration will be from 1 to 5 days. Number of participants of 1 training is not limited.

Grant will be used for payment of:
- rent of training rooms and educational equipment for common lessons of participants;
- copying and distributing curricular, education materials and other information among the participants, needed for a success training;
- Arrangement of stationary for training process whole duration;
- Board for participants: dinners and coffee-breaks ( 2 per day);
- Living accommodation for non-resident participants of workshop;
- Transfer expenses for non-residents;
- Fee for trainers and administration personnel.

Trainers of various profile will be recommended by the Russian Health Care Foundation. The whole range of materials per each topic should be developed by trainers during 1-5 days workshop at each day duration of training as 7 academic hours. Pre -and upon training testing should be also provided. Possible number of trainers per each training – 2-3 persons with lecturers invited.

Pre-qualification will be held within 20-24 November 2006.

During November 1st till November 19th, 2006 the Russian Health Care Foundation will accept applications from the Russian organizations. Application must contain an official letter addressed namely Mr. Goliaev Dmitry Arkadievitch, Global Fund Project Director, a copy of Charter of the organization, Statement from Tax Inspection about absence of debts, copies of certificates aboiut registration in Tax Inspection and State registration.

Application can be sent to the address of Vladislav Furman - Program Coordinator- by:
Fax (495) 258 38 84

Original application must be sent by courier or by mail to the address
105120 Moscow, 4th Syromyatnicheskiy Pereulok, 3/5 Building 5, Russian Health Care Foundation, Program “Promoting a strategic response to TB treatment and care for vulnerable populations in the Russian Federation”.


The open competition on delivery of personal computers and office equipment for antitubercular establishments of the Russian Federation

[Documentation] (999 kb)


Agreements were concluded with the winners of Competition for the delivery of following equipment:
Lot No. 1 – respirators;
Lot No. 2 – bactericidal ultraviolet lamp (ceiling);
Lot No. 3 - bactericidal ultraviolet lamp (movable);
Lot No. 4 – ultraviolet lamps;
Lot No. 6 – window aspirators;
Lot No. 7 – sputum cabins.


Competition Results for lot No. 8 “Air Decontamination Equipment of re-circulator mode” have been cancelled by the order of RHCF Director General.


RHCF has forwarded to the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (ARPM) the information regarding GMP inspections to be conducted within the Programme at five domestic manufacturers during November-December 2006. ARPM will distribute this information within Russian pharmproducers. Upon the receipt of the relevant applications a special Commission will select five manufacturers for the mentioned inspections.


 Закупка оборудования для противотуберкулезных учреждений.
Протоколом №5 Конкурсной комиссии утверждены победители Конкурса на право заключения договоров (лоты 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) на поставку оборудования для центральных противотуберкулезных учреждений Минздравсоцразвития и Минюста.


For technical reasons accommodation of the information on results of Competition on the right of the conclusion of the contract on delivery of the equipment and materials for the central antitubercular establishments is postponed for some days


8th bidding of the Programme was announced for the selection of the organization for conduction of the Base Line Survey on existing Quality Assurance System for anti-TB drugs


The open competition on delivery of the equipment and materials for the central antitubercular establishments

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